“应届毕业生”指在应该毕业的年份行将毕业简略一经毕业学生。常见的英文抒发有:fresh graduate、graduating student、recent graduate等。
Fresh Graduate的释义如下:
In all ramifications, the fresh graduate is an individual that has recently graduated. This individual has little to no skill sets. Based on this, they are ideal for entry-level positions, apprenticeships, and internships when they enter the corporate world.
张开剩余60%The fresh graduates mostly do not have or know the ideal career to pursue and will have to make a deep check within themselves when done with school and the compulsory National youth service corp.
A fresh graduate has fulfilled all the requirements to graduate from an accredited university in simpler terms. He or she is no longer a student and ready for the corporate world, taking up responsibilities for themselves.
recent graduate的用法可参考如下双语例句:
中欧、东欧和中亚提供了约 1918 个文化解释实习契机,来自疏导地区的 1 137 名应届毕业 生投入了解释实习。
Some 1,918 internships in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia provided cultural education, and 1,137 recent graduates from those same areas participated in education internships.
With the purpose to attract family doctors in the rural regions, actions have been taken to improve living conditions for recent graduates.
转载自:旗渡红蓝律网站 作家:旗渡多语信息中心(出海资讯定制)迪士尼乐园时时彩